1) The cast is freaking legit. Jennifer Lawrence is cast as the main character Katniss. After seeing X-Men Origins, I kinda have a crush on her. If she came out tomorrow and I had a chance, I'd probably switch sides for her. Anyway, Josh Hutcherson and Liam Hemsworth are supporting characters and are yummy. Elizabeth Banks, Lenny Kravitz, Woody Harrelson, and so many more amazing actors are in it. And I can't wait to finally see it on the big screen.
2) The books are amazing. Written for young adults, the thematic elements are easily identifiable to adults. Suzanne is brilliant as a writer and I want her to do more. The characters can be easily related to and you so quickly get sucked into these books, wondering what's next for each of them. The main female character is a good role model for young girls.
3) It solidly competes with other series that are popular right now. Harry Potter and Twilight obvious have huge fan bases. Hunger Games holds its own against these other books and, at least in the case of Twilight, has a MUCH better message. Harry Potter is about sacrificing your life for the greater good of humanity. Hunger Games has a similar message. Twilight is about sacrificing your life for a guy. Yeah, exactly.
So anyway, I could keep going on about why it's great. Instead, I would love to comment on my own nerdy fan-dom. It was late one night and I was hanging out with one of my bffs. When suddenly we started talking about the new movie and the books and what the map of Panem would look like. Thus began the multiple hour project of creating a map.

That is my map. The districts are all the same for my map and the ones my two bffs did. But we got to fill in our own interpretations of flooding and wilds.
Another thing I've done that shows I'm nerdy to the extreme is that I've entered contests to try and get tickets for the premiere. And I continue to do so. Anyway, for the contest E! was doing you had to create your own look to fit either the luxury of the Capitol or the district look in the actual games. I chose to do Capitol Couture.

So that's the end of my nerdiness. But as I said before, the nation has been taken captive by these books. Which includes the creation of a nail polish line by China Glaze for the series. Which I want. Really badly. If you haven't read the books, I wholeheartedly suggest them. They're quick reads and insanely interesting. So seriously, go read them. NOW.